I can stand fanboys!!!!
CRank: 5Score: 5890

I'll be buying this first day. Can't go online with a Pirated copy so this is a No go.

5701d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If you play the Demo of Fear 2 the Sniper has a Lovely Kick to it. The Rumbles feels pretty good.

Honestly though.....Convent Sniper rifle has them all beat sorry.....Next to Gears of War 1 Longhot rifle. Active down FTW on some bullsh!t!!!!!!!

5704d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Videogames use to be Wholesome fun and is now no longer the case. If i was gametrailers and i need hits and traffic i would support him too sh1t why not. He is now like the 50 Cent of the gaming industry. Since Controversy follows him so will Sponsers and Advertisers just because he a lightning rod for hit and attention. Never Mind his topics are almost always never about what they are but he brings viewers and all big name companies see with this is dollar signs. Credit to him he cause he ju...

5704d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Videogames use to be Wholesome fun and is now no longer the case. If i was gametrailers and i need hits and traffic i would support him too. He is now like the 50 Cent of the gaming industry. Since Controversy follows him so will Sponsers and Advertisers just because he a lightning rod. Never Mind his topics are almost always never about what they are but he bring viewers and all big name companies see with is dollar sgns with this. Credit to him he cause he about pimps the industry but you a...

5705d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

How can you a say Killzone is better than Gears 2 and Halo in Quality when it roughly the same hours in game length? Give it a break please man.
your now acting like the 50 Cent of the Videogame world. Always starting nonsense with flamebait @ss topics.

Killzone will be a Great game nonetheless so lets just let it have its own place in history.If i had a PS3 i would trade Gears 2 in to cop it instantly cause i dig FPS's period.

Gears 2/Halo 3 is quality of...

5712d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I Just watched the Video Review and I Can't front sh!t looks official.
This only Raises the Bar for the Next COD Modern Warfare game,Halo whateva lol!!,Gears 3 ETC.

Now Please Sony Fanboys and Xbots alike lets not argue about this game.Its coming soon and it will make an impression.
Just respect it as a form of making other companies step thier sh!t in short notice. Its about time Guerilla.

5715d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well then again what can i expect from the losers on this site. The Title was meant to rile feathers.Some of you guys are fuking morons who wears they heart on their sleeve for a fuking Game system. Both Serivces have there ups and down and at the current moment Live is still better but sony is taking steps in the right directions. whenever Sony makes an advancement MS has something to counter it. So don't blame sony for moving slow.It cost Money to keep up especailly when the service is free...

5717d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Because what you did Hydro was Classless and trashy period.
Well then again what can i expect from the losers on this site. The Title was ment to rile feathers. You's a fuking moron who wears is heart on his sleeve for a fuking Game system. Both Serivces have there ups and down and at the current moment Live is still better but sony is taking steps in the right directions. whenever Sony makes an advancement MS has something to counter it. So don't blame sony for moving slow.It cost Mon...

5718d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Do anyone of you corney @ss N!ggas play video games?

Both will be good games end of discussions. IMO RE5 will look slighty better.

5718d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I knew this sh!t was dripping with Flamebait once i see Hiphop gamer's ugly Mug.

To get all of you d!ckhead Fanboys riled up and hits the title says
"Why is XBL Live Better Than PSN?"


"How PSN is closing the Gap on XBL Slowly but surely"

Ya'll don't seem to get hype off of games no more just rumors and opinions. Ya'll dudes is fuking Retarded not gamers.
fuk Hiphop Gamer,Xbots and Sony Droids.

5719d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I downloaded the patch and played a ranked game. I got caught with a smoke grenade under the bridge on Canal only to end up on top of it. The lag seems worst than before but atleast an attempt was made to correct things. Unreal Engine has the sorriest Ragdoll physics in the world. a few set animation wold've been legit for getting hit with your back turned or face first.

Oh andd on't get caught with a smoke on the stairs.....its over.

5719d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

He must've beenin hiding because The 360 has proving its not going anywhere no time soon.The Ps3 is somewhats starting to get on track.
Damn Funny enough Xbox 360 fanboy was once told that thier savior rest on the FPS Genre. When i look at the PS3 now they hope rested on 2 FPS that were still at best pretty generic regardless of what.

Enjoy Gaming and just STFU Please!!!!

5724d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'd rather ghost spying than standbying.

Thats where your one on one skills come in at lol!

5752d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The Best thing about party chat is i havent heard the nigger word in weeks.

When playing Gears i could talk to my friends at all times in ranked and give them the heads up if i get killed. The other team can do it also so its fair. I dont have to listen to rude little kids anymore in lobbie or racist punks.

This guy is just fishing for something to talk about. If Ps3 and PC had it also i would be a great feature for all.

5754d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It looks like they slapped 50 face on a character in the club. I can obviously see he switch with the controls of Gears and plays like also. The real Time action scenes look out of place compare to a simple melee attack. The Audio sounds good but 50 can and wont see me this game. Obviously you cant go wrong if you mix three decent games together. A rental at best.

5755d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

They both Look identical. I see no big different other than the T.V. settings. I had the demo on 360 and it looks like a sharper moe detailed version of 4 albiet it feels a little slower.This will be a good game once the mechanics are worked out.

Cut the fanboyism for once both version looks good.

5755d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

They Should Give us this sh1t as a compensation for paying 59 bucks for that sh!tty @ss Game. These Bullsh1t @ss Maps for a Broken @ss game and 10 a wop? Any person who pay 10$ for this sh!t is a Arsehole.

Epic pissed me off with this game and its broken physics. Today a Smoke Grenade killed me by blow me p into the air and i never land.i fell out of the map and died. Shotguns can't protect you in close quarters when action heats up and 2 pieces are ever worse than before.

5761d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment
5783d ago

Im a Big a Fan of the Dawn of the Dead movie and this captures it to a tee. Online runs Flaws and i spent about 3 hours trying to complete the "Subway" Section with 3 of my friend. Notice i said trying cause Tank or the Witch would randomly appears and regulate on us bad. I wish it had about 10 senarios but i guess this is were DLC comes in at.

Nice game though Valve. To bad Gears of War 2 Online is'nt ran as efforless as this runs.

5788d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

You can always stop and save it for later. I spend 4 hours trying to beat a Horde wave on insane with 5 people on mansion at wave 15. Try wave 48 on Hardcore.

This Author is a complete a @sshole. He obviously did'nt play this game throughly because the sheer excitement of horde render this guy opinion just that.

5791d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment